Marvel Marine

License: 494 valid from 10.05.2016 Marvel Marine is innovative and fast gowing recruiting & training company with extra opportunities for Job Seekers, Recruiters and Training Providers in marine. Marvel Marine is an independent Ukrainian company providing specialist marine recruitment and management services for both seagoing and shore based personnel covering all sectors of the shipping industry. We strongly commit to achieve safety in all aspects of our operations. ——— is committed to being a safe leading, reliable and precise Recruitment Company, supporting the needs of our Clients and employees with the highest ethical standards. Our advantages: – We can provide Deck Officers, Marine Engineers and ratings with experience of working on a variety of vessels. – We manage an extensive database of maritime crew (more than 10 000) from countries across the world, and are able to provide cost-effective experienced crewing solutions for deployment on short or long-term projects. – Our experienced logistics team can arrange all transport and visa needs for our crew, and using our sub agents overseas can offer an expeditious service regardless of location. – We have implemented a system of thorough checks of each seafarer including but not limited to, verification of their certificates of competence and additional qualifications to ensure authenticity, cross-reference checks of their experience with past employers, any additional requirements of the Ship’s flag state administrations. – Our partner and Training Provider – “Avant” training center. We pursue professional management and excellence in all of our services, that meets the customer’s requirements, and through these efforts enhance our quality of service at the highest standards. Having this system in place, we guarantee that our crew will meet the highest standards in the seamanship and safety at all times. We are pleased to be able provide all of our crew with placements and accordance with the convention.

BOSUN ON GENERAL CARGO Added: 2016-11-10 09:30:27

Boatswain (Bosun) for General Cargo

Marvel Marine

Starting: 15.11.2016

Chief Engineer Added: 2016-10-19 08:00:09

Chief Engineer for Oil products tanker

Marvel Marine

Starting: 6.10.2016

Second Engineer Added: 2016-10-19 08:00:09

Second Engineer for Oil products tanker

Marvel Marine

Starting: 06/10/2016

Oiler Added: 2016-10-13 09:00:06

Oiler for Oil products tanker

Marvel Marine

Starting: 05/11/2016

Second Engineer Added: 2016-10-13 09:00:06

Second Engineer for Oil products tanker

Marvel Marine

Starting: 30/10/2016

Chief Engineer Added: 2016-10-13 09:00:06

Chief Engineer for Oil products tanker

Marvel Marine

Starting: 30.10.2016

Bosun for General Cargo Added: 2016-10-10 08:30:04

Boatswain (Bosun) for General Cargo

Marvel Marine

Starting: 30.10.2016

Chief Engineer Added: 2016-10-10 08:30:04

Chief Engineer for Oil products tanker

Marvel Marine

Starting: 30.10.2016

Second Engineer Added: 2016-10-10 08:30:03

Second Engineer for Oil products tanker

Marvel Marine

Starting: 30/10/2016

Bosun for General Cargo Added: 2016-10-07 08:30:05

Boatswain (Bosun) for General Cargo

Marvel Marine

Starting: 30.10.2016
2, Marshala Govorova str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65063

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